Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's Travel Time

I'm currently reading a collection of essays about China, 'Coming Home Crazy' by Bill Holm. This Minnesota native touches on just about every aspect of living in China as a foreigner, and I find myself laughing along as I read his stories that mirror a lot of the experiences I've had. He taught in Xi'an but did take a short trip to my area of residence, Chongqing, and described the city as "a humid, coal-burning industrial town at the bottom of a sinkhole surrounded by steep mountains. Photographs of it are always bathed in a fuzzy haze, giving it a romantic, ancient look. There is little romance, however, in chemical analysis of the haze." So as glamorous as that sounds, I'm looking forward to getting away for a few weeks.

My itinerary includes 10 days in Thailand, a week in India, and 10 days in Malaysia and Singapore. So I can't promise too many posts the next month but I'm hoping to bring back lot's of stories, souveniers, and photos that look like these...





1 comment:

  1. scout out some stuff that you can one day take me to k?
